
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Dean waiting for me outside the bakery on our new scooter. He is looking like a xe om driver, a motorcyle taxi driver. They like to lounge on their bikes and wear baseball caps. When white people walk by they shout "hello! moto!" Posted by Picasa
we got a water purifier so we don't have to pay for bottled water. it removes bacteria as well as heavy metals, which according to the package can "make you go crazy." It sits on top of our fridge. Posted by Picasa
no ties for me Posted by Picasa
Dean has to wear ties to work. Teachers are treated more respectfully here than at home, with a national teacher's holiday where teachers supposedly get gifts... it is Nov. 20 so we shall see.

Beer is cheaper than water. Posted by Picasa
Hanoi style pho condiments: chile sauce, vinegar with raw garlic, raw chiles, limes, fish sauce. Posted by Picasa
the view from our deck as dinnertime approaches Posted by Picasa
the meat grilling station, with a fan to waft the smell through the neighborhood and tempt people. Posted by Picasa
bun cha = spring rolls, grilled meatballs, chiles, raw garlic, herbs, lettuce, nuoc mam, noodles. Posted by Picasa
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Friday, October 28, 2005

view from the back of the motorcycle Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 21, 2005

for Trevor - this is what a Vietnamese railroad crossing looks like. Posted by Picasa
carving on the house of ceremonies. Posted by Picasa
me Posted by Picasa
clouds on the roof Posted by Picasa
bonsai! Posted by Picasa
gate to the second courtyard Posted by Picasa
they put the names of all the scholars on these stone slabs carried by stone turtles. Posted by Picasa
Thursday we went to the temple of literature. It is the 800-year old Confucian national university (not in use anymore). At tet they play live Chinese chess here. Posted by Picasa
a street near Dean's workplace. Posted by Picasa
a cool mosaic sculpture that was being worked on in the courtyard of the goethe institute. there were people standing behind the arms. Posted by Picasa
pho. they do not give you hoisin sauce or basil for your pho here. they have jars of white vinegar half full of raw garlic and chiles. I will take a picture. Posted by Picasa
a pretty school near our house. Posted by Picasa
glad they have german bread! this bakery is called maison vanille and is about 5 minutes north of our house (walking). It is expensive compared to vietnamese food but it is still nice to have it. Posted by Picasa
bakery counter. Posted by Picasa